Welcome to Historical Football Lineups!
Book news:
75 Jahre Erstliga-Fussball in Österreich 1949 – 2024 (amazon)
60 Jahre Erstliga Fussball in Deutschland 1963-2023 (ebook)
Amazon.de (printed)
Complete statistical overview of every player to have signed for a Bundesliga team since 1963 (in German)
Available as ebook or printed book.
Upcoming book projects (2025):
English First Division Teams & Lineups 1949-1969
English First Division Teams & Lineups 1969-1992
English First Division Player Guide 1949-1992
Belgian Player Guide 1954-1999
Rangliste des deutschen Fussballs 1955-2025
Deutschlands Fussballer des Jahres 1960-2025
Yugoslavian First Division Teams & Lineups 1947-1998
German Gauliga Lineups 1937-38
Recent update:
Yugoslavia 2nd Division 1973-74
England First Division 1990-91
Austrian Player Guide 1949-2024
Yugoslavia 2nd Division 1971-72 East
Currently working on:
England 1. Div. 1991-92
England 1. Div. 1991-92
Bundesliga 1983-84
Serie A 1982-83
It is the aim of this website to offer the complete lineups and squads of
- the English First Division from season 1949-50 to 1991-92,
- the English Premier League from 1992-93 to 1998-99,
- the English FA Cup from season 1969-70 to 1988-89,
- the English Football League Divisions 2 to 4
- the Italian Serie A from 1960-61 to 1998-99,
- the German Bundesliga from 1963-64 to 1998-99,
- the Spanish Primera Division from 1949-50 to 1998-99,
- the Dutch Eredivisie from 1969-70 to 1998-99,
- the Yugoslavian First Division Prva Liga (1952 to 1985-86),
- the Austrian Staatsliga (1949-50 to 1988-89),
- the Belgian Division 1 (1960-61 to 1988-89),
- the Belgian Cup (1963-64 to 1988-89),
- the French Première Division (1949-50 to 1988-89),
- the Brazilian “Campeonato Paulista” (1953 to 1989)
- the Argentinian “Liga Argentina de Fútbol” (1931 to 1989)
- the “North American Soccer League” (NASL) (1967 to 1984)
- the Mitropa Cup (1927 to 1940)
- the German Oberliga (1946-47 to 1962-63)
- the German Regionalliga (1965-66 to 1970-71) (only goalscorers)
- the final round of the German Football Championship (1949 to 1963)
- the German Cup (1935 to 1943 and 1953 to 1988)
- the Scottish Football League (1969-70 to 1989-90)
- the Scottish Cup (1969-70 to 1988-89)
- the East German Oberliga (1962-63 to 1990-91)
- the Italian Cup “Coppa Italia” (1960-61 to 1984-85)
- various information on leagues without a full set of data available
- the goalscorers of Eire First Division (1921-22 to 1986-87)
- Opta World Cups 1966 to 1986 (statistical analysis of best-performing players)
- the Football League Cup of England
- World Cup lineups 1930 to 1998 (final tournaments and many qualifiers)
- European Cup lineups
- the German Gauliga
This is a work in progress. Seasons will be added piece-by-piece until the project is completed.
So far, the following seasons are available:
English First Division
1949-50, 1950-51, 1951-52, 1952-53, 1953-54 , 1954-55
1955-56, 1956-57, 1957-58 , 1958-59, 1959-60, 1960-61,
1961-62, 1962-63, 1963-64, 1964-65, 1965-66, 1966-67,
1967-68, 1968-69, 1969-70, 1970-71, 1971-72, 1972-73,
1973-74, 1974-75, 1975-76, 1976-77, 1977-78, 1978-79,
1979-80, 1980-81, 1981-82,1982-83, 1983-84, 1984-85,
1985-86, 1986-87, 1987-88, 1988-89, 1989-90, 1990-91
The Greatest Players in English Football History
Italian Serie A
1960-61, 1961-62, 1962-63, 1963-64, 1964-65,
1965-66, 1966-67, 1967-68, 1968-69, 1969-70
1970-71, 1971-72, 1972-73, 1973-74, 1974-75
1975-76, 1976-77, 1977-78, 1978-79, 1979-80
German Bundesliga
1963-64, 1964-65, 1965-66, 1966-67, 1967-68,
1968-69, 1969-70, 1970-71, 1971-72, 1972-73,
1973-74, 1974-75, 1975-76, 1976-77, 1977-78
1978-79, 1979-80, 1980-81, 1981-82, 1982-83
The Greatest Players in German Football History
Belgian Division 1
1960-61, 1961-62, 1962-63, 1963-64, 1964-65,
1965-66, 1966-67, 1967-68, 1968-69, 1969-70
1970-71, 1971-72, 1972-73, 1973-74, 1974-75
1975-76 , 1976-77, 1977-78, 1978-79 , 1979-80,
1980-81, 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983-84, 1984-85,
1985-86, 1986-87, 1987-88, 1988-89
French Première Division
Liga Argentina de Fútbol
1931 to 1989
Brazilian “Campeonato Paulista”
1953-54, 1954-55, 1955-56, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959
Austrian Staatsliga
1949-50, 1950-51, 1951-52, 1952-53, 1953-54, 1954-55,
1955-56, 1956-57, 1957-58, 1958-59, 1959-60, 1960-61,
Yugoslavian Prva Liga
1946-47, 1947-48, 1948-49, 1950,
1951, 1952, 1952-53, 1953-54, 1954-55
1955-56, 1956-57, 1957-58, 1958-59, 1959-60
1965-66, 1966-67, 1967-68, 1968-69, 1969-70
1970-71, 1971-72, 1972-73, 1973-74
1974-75, 1975-76, 1976-77, 1977-78, 1978-79, 1979-80,
1980-81, 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983-84, 1984-85, 1985-86
1986-87, 1987-88, 1988-89, 1989-90, 1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93
1993-94, 1994-95, 1995-96, 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-00
Yugoslavian Second Division
1947-48, 1948-49, 1950, 1951, 1953-54, 1954-55, 1958-59,
1959-60, 1960-61, 1962-62, 1962-63, 1963-64, 1964-65,
1965-66, 1966-67, 1967-68, 1969-70, 1970-71, 1971-72,
1972-73, 1973-74, 1976-77, 1977-78, 1993-94, 1994-95,
Yugoslavia Third Division
Dutch Eredivisie
German Oberliga
German Championship final round
German Regionalliga (only goalscorers)
North American Soccer League (NASL)
MLS & other American Leagues
Western Soccer Alliance 1987 – 1989
American Professional Soccer League 1990 – 1995
U.S. A-League 1996 – 1999
German Cup
Mitropa Cup
Scottish Football League (since 1975 “Premier Division”)
Scottish Cup
The FA Cup
The Football League (Div. 2 to 4)
1969-70, 1970-71, 1971-72, 1972-73, 1973-74 1974-75, 1975-76, 1976-77, 1977-78, 1978-79,
The Belgian Cup
Coppa Italia
1921-22 to 1986-87 (Goalscorers overview)
The Football League Cup of England
German Amateur Football
Bundesliga Promotion
World Cup lineups
European Cup lineups
1933-34, 1937-38, 1938-39, 1940-41, 1941-42
Serbian Prva Liga B
Great website.
For the italian championship look at this
I have to ask just one thing: where did you find date of birth of Gianantonio Labella (goalkeeper of As Roma in 1960-61 e 1961-62)? It was very hard for me to find it…
Hi Adriano,
I found the date of birth of Labella in “Almanacco Illustrato del Calcio 1962”.
Thank you very much for your comment, I will bookmark your website and follow the development.
Could you specify information about line-ups of the former GDR championships in the period 1949-1991.
Thanks in advance
Well I won’t deal with GDR championship on my website because I have reservations about the nature of the championship due to regular and severe interference of high-ranking party officials in the outcome of games.
@Rodolfo: all lineups are available at http://www.weltfussball.de
Very great website …
I’m interesting at the season 1987-88 (English First Division)
…I have many memories of that year…
when can I expect to find those lineups
Hello Gianluca! Thank you very much for your kind words.
Right now I am working on England 1981-82 and then England 1982-83. After that, I plan to work on Serie A 1969-70 and 1970-71. If I am fast, I might reach England 1987-88 in 1.5 years … but it is hard to predict.
But you don’t have to wait that long because weltfussball.de has all the lineups of that season available!
Here’s the link:
By the way, 1987-88 is also one of my favorite seasons in English football, especially because of the truly outstanding Liverpool team of that season (John Barnes, Peter Beardsley, John Aldridge …).
Thanks Wolgang
… for your fast reply …
i like your site very much …
thanks for your works !!!
If interested, I have the statistics (names of scorers + crowds) of the English league season 1888-1889 to 1892-1893
Bonjour Jean-Christophe,
Je suis intéressé si tu me peux aider avec les statistics du football anglais. Moi aussi j’ai des donees sur le football anglais.
Ok, good morning. What do you seek?
Hello, when will you add Bundesliga 1990-99?
Thank you!
Not too soon!
Thank you very much!
Bonjour à tous.
Je recherche les statistiques complète (notamment le nos des buteurs) des matchs du championnat de France 1932/33
J’espère que tu as trouvé ce que tu cherches, sinon je peux répondre à ta demande. Du moins en grande partie. Pour 2 ou 3 clubs c’est un peu plus difficile
Merci à toi. J’ai trouvé un site qui me donne les renseignements que je cherchais. Je ne sais pas si tu le connais, il s’agit de Footballdatabase.eu.
Oui je connais ce site. Mais il est très incomplet pour les championnats d’avant-guerre et d’autre part toutes les stats, les années suivantes, ne sont pas accessibles. J’ai récupéré les compos de 1932-33 sur Playerhistory qui ne fonctionne plus vraiment (surtout sa base de données). Footballstats.fr est intéressant mais il ne s’occupe que de la D1à partir de 1948. Tu peux aussi visiter footnostalgie.com, si tu ne connais pas. Notamment la rubrique Memento. Ils ont aussi beaucoup de photos d’équipes. Par ailleurs ils ont pour projet de créer une base de données pour toutes les saisons de championnat, D1 et D2 au minimum, feuilles de matches et liste de joueurs par clubs avec les stats pour chacun d’eux. C’est une affaire de quelques semaines ou de quelques mois. Visite aussi les sites de fans de clubs, tel que OMpassion et OMforever ou asse-stats, il y a des choses intéressantes
Je te remercie pour toutes ces infos. Je suis inscrit à Footnostalgie.com. C’est vrai que c’est pas évident de trouver des infos sur des matchs de D1 avant guerre, notamment pour certains clubs (Hyeres, Excelsior Roubaix, club Français etc…) Alors je ne parle même pas de la D2…
Pour le championnat de France, il n’y a pas de site avec toutes les stats comme pour le championnat italien ( Calcio-serieA.net) ou Espagnol (bdfutball.com). C’est rageant!
seek the complete statistics (including our scorers) of France championship games from 1932 to 1933
Belgian Division 1962/63 ?
First Englang early-1950s, then Belgium 1962-63 in a few months!
Hi Wolfgang: fantastic site. I was searching in yugoslavian line-ups if you had the names of the referees. I am searching the first name of the ref Jusufbegovic (about 1977-78).
Do you have it?
HELLO david you attendance and networks of the Yugoslav championship from 1964 to 1978? ograzie
Hi Davide, I have uploaded the original Yugoslavian source in case you’re interested.
Osman Jusufbegović (from Sarajevo)
Hi Davide, thanks for your nice words! Unfortunately the Yugoslavian source which I use does not list the referees!
Mirko, uploaded in the Yugoslavia section (1979-80 to 1981-82)
ok ,Another thought 🙂
hi wolfgang ,
of which the league works now?
Hi Mirko, I work on England 1953-54.
ok thanks
The League Cup please….
This is site for history and stats of Yugoslavian football
There are tables of first to lower leagues, full statistics of First league 1923-1940 and 1945-1992 with full lineups and profiles of all players that played in and many many things…
Thank you very much for that link. Where are the full lineups?
Seems to be a planned feature. Some website sections are still under construction.
Full lineups are under every season. Still on working for period 1945-1992. Now we are finishing prewar league 1923-1940. Yes some parts of site are still in construction like place for emblems. But it will be finished soon.
This is for example first season, you have also translate box in top of page, and the lineups are on bottom after games, table, list of goalscorers (first 5) and than lineups by teams like they are placed in league. You can click on every player with popup window with their profile:
Thank you very much! This will be a fanstastic site once it is finished. I will add it to my links section when all is finished. Great project!
I know that site …. but it seems to me is stopped to 1951 …..
Este site possui fichas da liga da Romênia.
They know! but there are no appearances and goals! 🙁
Unfortunately, only referees have been added, and some scorers for the larger clubs (I think).
you think of it …. more complete romaniansoccer! but you have statistics for shamrock Penarol coloraine and Danish national teams?
Unfortunately, nothing specific about Irish, Uruguayan and Danish leagues except for recent years (Superligaen is available since 1991, when it turned professional). For national teams, eu-football.info is a definite resource for Europe.
hallo wolfgang , riesci a inserire i minuti dei goals english first division anni 1970 ? cordiali saluti
Hallo Ruggero. I think you mean whether I can add the goal minutes for the English First Division in the 1970s? Not yet … maybe some day! But the information has yet to be found. Kind regards
The Times and other newspapers started to print goal minutes in the early 1980s. Not always for midweek matches though. Some annuals (not Rothmans) and magazines also have this. For earlier years, there’s no remedy but reading through the reports (where available) or turning to club histories.
Well I got my information from ENFA, they added goal minutes starting with season 1979-80. Nothing before that season available.
so far
Hallo a tutti , sul sito http://www.bounder.friardale.co.uk si clicca su REPORT , ci sono parecchi risultati con minuti dei goals first division dal 1967 al 77 ,
Voglio segnalare il sito http://www.mackolik.com , tutti i lineups campionato TURCHIA , http://www.austriasoccer.at , lineups campionato AUSTRIA , cordiali saluti
Thank you very much for these excellent links! The first one really surprised me as it indeed as goal minutes for First Division games prior to 1979. A superb find!
NEWS: acquired a number of Dutch Football Yearbooks with full lineup information of the period between 1980 and 1994 (not all years, though). I plan to upload the relevant information from these books in the future.
EXCELLENT! Worldfootball but we are all in 1978!
Eerste Divisie would be interesting, please. We already have Eredivisie lineups courtesy of Wetlfussball (possibly copied from those same yearbooks).
hi, Have any of you appearances and goals of dukla praha 1960-1964? and jednota trencin 1964-1969?thanks
http://www.goleamos.com know? great site on the Argentine soccer 😀
Thanks, spidering the entire site to disk right now (just in case).
hi silvermane ,which software to use to bring the site on the disc?
If there is some numerical component to the URLs, the easiest method is curl.
thanks !
Hi, there is a link, infofutbol.com.ar, that Page up all the information from Cronicas y Estadísticas.
Thanks, spidering the entire site to disk right now (just in case).
EXCELLENT! Worldfootball but we are all in 1978!
Hi do you Know book penarol el mas grande? Thanks
league cup please
hello is there anyone who has appearances and goals of anderlecht 1959-1960? thanks
Thanks Steve the site already suggested by jacek! Thanks again
now I’m trying to figure out this site :
. http://archiv.ucl.cas.cz/index.php?path=RudePravo/1977/12/12/8.png
Simple really, you just change the URL numbers to access different issues. Most are 8 pages long and sports are on the last page.
60-69 nothing football 🙁
The results for the top two divisions are listed in Monday issues, for example http://archiv.ucl.cas.cz/index.php?path=RudePravo/1962/10/15/4.png. If you expected lineups, they’re obviously missing because this is a regular daily and not a sports newspaper, but the scorers are listed (sometimes without minutes).
Have you news penarol?
you have the statistics of gremio and athletic mineiro only municipal championships! gaucho and mineiro ! thanks
Here’s an example of full Eredivisie Lineups on “elf voetbal” site:
those who know this site? soccerbase.gr
Some parts are free, like the results (although you need to search by H2H or date). As to the lineups, I they have a really cheap 24 hour subscription, so why not check for yourself?
I search the stats aris Salonicco of 1967-68 caps and goals! Are there? Thanks
It appears that only lineups from 70/71 onwards (maybe) are available.
I think so thanks!
http://hrnogomet.com great website about Croatian football statistics. Full lineups for all matches about croatian league (all seasons) and National team
http://hrnogomet.com great website about Croatian football statistics. Full lineups for all matches about croatian league (all seasons) and National team
Thanks a lot! I have added it to the links section.
bad notice! full lineups of eredivisie on ELVvoetbal removed again! Also on chinese version 🙁 🙁
Not a problem, season 1976-77 and later have been completed on Weltfussball (the project might be continued after the summer break) and earlier years can be obtained from the many Dutch newspapers digitized.
i have the details for the dutch league 1970/71 and 1971/72, match lineups as well as appearences/goals.
i pulled all the information into an excel sheet, i have posted an example of the image above, it shows the team lineup for the game, the goalscorers, minutes of goal attendance and referee.
unfortunately its not complete, im missing about 5 games that dont have full info of goal minutes, but other than that its fairly comprehensive, if you want i can send you the excel file.
im trying to pull together squad appearences/goals for the year 1970/71, ive completed spain, france, england, italy, west germany, east germany, poland, yugoslavia, scotland, russia, portugal, greece, austria, sweden
belgium and czechoslovakia ive been unable to get appearences/goals, i only have the squads, denmark i have some teams not all, im currently pulling hungary and swiss appearences/goals,
if you need later dutch lineups let me know i can give you what i have
Hi Mark, I am currently on holidays, I will have a look in about 2-3 weeks! Cheers for the info!
HELLO ! I try appearances and goals of union st Gilloise 1959-1960! who can help me?thanks
HELLO WOLFGANG, when you plan to enter the Austrian staaliga 1954-1965? thanks
Well I do not have an exact timeline about future additions so I can’t give you a concrete answer but maybe I will continue with Austria sometime next year.
For some reason I can’t reply to mark anderson’s comment in the proper thread, but there is a problem with the PNG file he posted (it looks truncated).
In addition to the countries he mentioned, 1970/71 lineups are also available for Turkey at mackolik.com and its clones.
thanks for that, had forgotten about turkey lol
heres another image for the dutch excel file.
Hi Yoghi, the file you previewed contains excellent information. I would be very pleased if I could add that to the website (with proper credit to you as the author). In that case you could send me the files per e-mail! Cheers!
hi im still working on the 1971 missing areas, so as soon as i have completed it, i will send you an email, with the file completed for 1970 and 1971.
Many thanks in advance!
Hi,i search caps and goals PSV 1954-55 and 1955-56….elvoetbal is closed….:( ! can you help me? thanks
Those are pre-Eredivisie times, so this info was not at Elfvoetbal at all.
yes, that’s ok !
Can you upload DDR championship 1972-1973 (pages 138-139)? There is a missing part of the season 1972-1973 for DDR.
And may I ask you when you are going to upload the rest of DDR (1981-1991) too?
This is really superb you are doing on DDR football leagues. Many thanks for your help !
Hi Paul, thanks for the info on the missing part in 1972-73! Right now I am on holidays so I can’t do anything right now but will check it in a few weeks. East Germany 1981-1991 might be uploaded in a few months (September or so).
Thanks for your kind information !
Hi Paul , if it is urgent, worldfootball has all the matches on DDR! cheers
East Germany is missing from the list on the top of the page, so I had no idea it was added. But you (Wolfgang) said you wasn’t interested because it was a rigged league?
East Germany lineups: http://www.worldfootball.net/history/gdr-oberliga/ is it that you looking for?
Yes Andrea!
Yes in the past I said I am not interested in East Germany because of it being – by and large – a rigged league. But there seems to be interest in any kind of lineup so I have changed my mind and added them using (an original source). I will add East Germany to list of contents, which I forgot to do!
Thanks, I will check on it.
Hi Paul, East Germany is now complete (and 1972-73, too).
And there are 2 excellent websites for the Brazilian and Argentine Football league lineups.
(available from Opening of 2000 season up to now)
(available from 2012 season)
For Argentine, see http://www.goleamos.com above – all league lineups since 1931.
For Brasil, futpedia.globo.com has all Serie A lineups, I think (since 1971), but it’s less useful because of dozens of players with the same nickname.
The best Brazilian site I’ve found is this one… the navigation is hard to figure out but it’s got a wealth of lineup data for Brasileiro back to 71 and various cups:
And this site has a huge amount of historical lineups for Brazil, too (including State championships like Paulista and Carioca):
blog I know him! the other many thanks
That conteudoesportivo site isn’t working ATM, bad luck.
Some navigation doesn’t work, but it could also be that certain browsers don’t work either.
If you want to see 1980 Brasileiro, go to “Campeonatos, Nacionais, Brasileiro 1A.
It should open up a new row of menus. Pick Outros Anos and choose 1980
Participantes – Clubes will show you the teams from that year; pick a team and click Gols, and it will show you players/appearances/goals.
If you want to see game-by-game lineups, pick a team and click Ficha, then choose Jogos/Por Ano or Por Ano/Camp.
Hope that helps!
Unfortunately they don’t have full stats for the State Championships, but you can find fichas tecnicas for most of those tournaments on the other site I mentioned.
I meant, the site was completely down yesterday, and still does not work fully now. Keeps throwing database errors at me with Firefox, so we just have to wait.
Glory Days…Chelsea F.C. 1963-75.https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0KO9lekwc7yUGx1T3p5d3pxUXM
Many Thanks, silvermane. It is really great helpful for me in collecting the Argentine league lineups. Besides of Argentina, can you tell me where I can find the league lineups for the rest of South American countries (except Brazil)?
EH, maybe …. I’m looking for years that the Penarol statistics ….. but still nothing 🙁 !
Unfortunately, I don’t believe there is anything else for South America (individual clubs oerhaps). We don’t even have all Uruguayan first division results, for instance.
http://www.solofutbol.cl/futbol%20chileno/Campeonatos%20Nacionales/Presentacion.html this for the Chilean championship since 1968 comprehensive ……. for the results of the primera division Uruguayan think we are all on wikipedia, the problem is the statistics (caps and goals)! I also SEARCH LOS MILLONARIOS JORGE WILLSTREM Cerro Porteño OLIMPIA ASUNCION UNIVERSITY ‘CATHOLIC Alianz LIMA PENAROL ALL SINCE 1960 …. BUT IS VERY DIFFICULT
hi, i search caps and goals for Dinamo Bucarest 56-60 only diviza A ! the site labtof.ro does not contain these data ….. I wrote to the admin area …….can you help me? thanks
HI, i search caps and goals for standard liegi from 1954 to 1959 ! can you help me? thanks
I can’t
Try the Gazet van Antwerpen archive (you need to enter via a Google Search, not the main page). Recently, years up to 1976 have been added, which lends credence to their claim that the entire project will be finished by the end of the year (and then, hopefully, not locked down).
seen, football did not find anything … maybe some things you pay! thanks again
Access URLs in this form: http://krantenarchief.concentra.be/vw/page.do?id=GVA-01-PPP-YYYYMMDD&sup=&ed=00
PPP is the page (3 digits with leading zeros), YYYYMMDD is the date.
For example http://krantenarchief.concentra.be/vw/page.do?id=GVA-01-012-19761206&sup=&ed=00 – lineups for the Belgian First Division from 4/5 December 1976. Unfortunately you have to click each article separately to see the details – unlike some other newspaper archives, full pages are stitched from separate clips, not stored as single images.
Very helpful. Thanks!
ok thanks
for example 027-005-1956 union s.t. – standard …..
http://www.bsdb.be/kalenders.asp belgian soccer database with full lineups since 1988-89 season….
Hi while working upon the eredivise 1970/71, i have come across an error for the yugoslav listings for that same season.
there is a listing for Milan Stanic playing for Vojvodina in that season, playing 15 games and scoring 3 goals, yet he played 31 games for Telstar that season, so how did he manage to play in both places at once??
is it possible that this is a different Stanic? although the Vojvodina site shows it as being Milan Stanic as well, i did note however the season prior he played only two games, for Vojvodina, just before his move to Telstar.
he is officially listed in Dutch newspapers as playing for Telstar in the 1st game of season for Telstar, so i fail to see how he managed to play for Vojvodina the same season.
The DOS-Telstar game story in the bottom left corner of this page at least proves that they’re the same player… It’s from January 1970.
he appears to have played for telstar in the latter half of the 69-70 season which would explain his lack of vojvodina appearences in 69/70
i also found this image on a telstar fan page which says he joined in 69 as well, so im inclined to think the stanic in the yugoslav records is not him, its been an assumption, that it was still Milan playing at Vojvodina, only problem is i cant find any other recordsof a stanic playing in yugoslav league about that time
17 december 1969 | Leidse Courant | pagina 14
eredivisievereniging Telstar heeft de 26-jarige Joego-Slaaf Stanic ge contracteerd, die enige jaren uitkwam voor Vojvodina. Hij ging een verbinte nis voor anderhalf jaar aan. … Ook een Joego-Slaaf voor Telstar. Het is de 27-jarige Milan Stanic die, evenals alle andere getransferreerde spelers, zondag zal debuteren. Dat gebeurt in de thuiswedstrijd tegen Holland Sport.
In English it basically says that Telstar have signed Stanic to a contract, he played for Vojvodina for several years and that he will make his debut v Holland Sport,
so it dispels any theory that Stanic played for Vojvodina in 1970/71, another interesting thin g i noticed was Stanic didnt play 1 game for Vojvodina during the 68/69 season, rather curious for a player who had played 35 games for the club over the last two season, and then he played 2 games for them in 69/70 up till December obviously, so was he injured for that whole period? or was the 15/3 entry supposed to be for the 68/69 season?
hi, there is a site with appearances and goals for Vojvodina? If so, which one? thanks
Oh, do I know this site! thank you, you know sites for Zeljeznicar and Sarajevo fk velez?
stanic for the book Yugoslav leads 15-3 in 1969-70 but they say it often mistaken!
what is it your after for zeljeznicar and velez? if it is just appearences and goals for the teams then i can give you that for the period of 1970-1980. (still working on 81-90).
ok thanks ! for 1964-69 ?
velez mostar 64-69
1964/1965 (D.Filipović)g: žarko Barbarić (13/0). Fadil Dugalić (12/0), Esad Dugalić (4/0)o: Kemal šestić (21/7), Vlado Slišković (21/0), Mehmed Handžić (21/0), Jovan Račić (20/0), Franjo Džidić (15/4), Nikola Benco (14/0), Slobodan Primorac (10/1), Zdravko Rodin (8/0), Bruno Repar (4/0), šefik Alajbegović (1/0), Muhamed Demirović (1/0), Marko Pehar (1/0)n: Miroslav Kordić (27/5), Muhamed Glavović (23/4), Zejnil Selimotić (23/3), Omer Oručević (17/0), Milorad Lazović (15/6), Ivan Popović (15/3), Muhamed Mujić (14/1), Kruno Radiljević (11/0), željko Barbarić (10/2), Ahmet Glavović (1/1), Mladen Mikulić (1/0), Salem Halilhodžić (1/0)
1965/1966 (D.Kapetanović)g: Alfonz Horvatić (23/0), Fadil Dugalić (6/0), Esad Dugalić (1/0)o: Zejnil Selimotić (30/3), Nikola Benco (29/2), Jovan Račić (27/0), Slobodan Primorac (26/2), Franjo Džidić (15/1), Mehmed Handžić (14/0), Ahmet Glavović (5/0), Zdravko Rodin (4/0), Faruk Džafić (4/0)n: Kemal šestić (28/15), Muhamed Glavović (28/3), Omer Oručević (25/4), Muhamed Mujić (24/7), Nusret Čerkić (23/7), Miroslav Kordić (21/2), željko Barbarić (4/0), Salem Halilhodžić (3/1), Borislav Sedlarik (2/0)
1966/1967 (M.Kokotović) g: Alfonz Horvatić (29/0), Esad Dugalić (1/0)o: Slobodan Primorac (29/0), Zejnil Selimotić (28/0), Franjo Džidić (26/1), Mehmed Karamehmedović (23/2), Kemal šestić (21/5), Faruk Džafić (19/0), Nikola Benco (14/2), šefik Alajbegović (14/0), Ahmet Glavović (8/0), Tomislav Novak (3/1)n: Muhamed Glavović (27/10), Milorad Lazović (27/7), Omer Oručević (26/1), Miroslav Kordić (11/0), Salem Halilhodžić (10/3), Dušan Bajević (10/1), Nusret Čerkić (8/0), željko Barbarić (6/0), Muhamed Mujić (5/0), Borislav Sedlarik (1/0)
1967/1968 (M.Kokotović; H.Hrvić) g: Alfonz Horvatić (27/2), Enver Marić (8/0)o: Mehmed Karamehmedović (30/0), Slobodan Primorac (28/0), šefik Alajbegović (27/0), Kemal šestić (24/4), Zejnil Selimotić (24/0), Ivo Prskalo (10/0), Nikola Benco (4/0), Muhamed Demirović (2/0), Faruk Džafić (1/0)n: Miroslav Kordić (30/3), Dušan Bajević (29/12), Muhamed Glavović (23/3), Salem Halilhodžić (22/2), Omer Oručević (22/2), Franjo Džidić (11/1), Muhamed Mujić (8/0), Nusret Čerkić (6/1), Ahmet Glavović (6/0), Jadranko Topić (4/1), Omer Kapić (2/1), Borislav Sedlarik (2/0), željko Barbarić (1/0)
1968/1969 (S.Rebac)g: Enver Marić (25/0), Slobodan Mrgan (11/0)o: Kemal šestić (33/4), Mehmed Karamehmedović (33/0), Ivo Prskalo (32/0), Ahmet Glavović (22/0), Nikola Benco (19/0), šefik Alajbegović (17/0), Marko Čolić (17/0), Slobodan Primorac (10/0), Tomislav Novak (5/0), Vladimir Pecelj (4/0), Muhamed Demirović (2/0)n: Dušan Bajević (34/18), Omer Oručević (34/1), Salem Halilhodžić (30/7), Miroslav Kordić (28/4), Jadranko Topić (21/2), Mirko Ćorluka (17/1), Franjo Vladić (8/2), Muhamed Glavović (5/1)
thank you very much ! zeljeznicar and fk Sarajevo ? have you stats 1964-69 ?
1964/65 : Vasilije Radović 28, Miljan Štaka 27/0, Josip Zemko 26/0, Rastislav Matić 25/1, Josip Bukal 21/1, Ilija Tojagić 15/0, Ivica Brzić 14/0, Jovanovic 10/0, Sulejman Kulović 9/0, Ivica Osim 27/9, Drago Smajlović 26/13, Boris Bračulj 24/5, Mirko Gašić 23/4, Lazar Lemić 17/1, Đuro Smajlović 13/2, Zvonko Duspara 10/3, Branimir Jelušić 2/0, Blagoje Bratić 1/0
Trainer : Munib Saračević
1965/66 : Vasilije Radović 29, Rastislav Matić 29/2, Dušan Jovanović 29, Josip Bukal 29/12, Blagoje Bratić 27/6, Boris Bračulj 25/6, Midhat Mujkić 24, Josip Zemko 23, Đuro Smajlović 22/1, Josip Katalinski 19, Branimir Jelušić 15/2, Lazar Lemić 14/2, Ilija Tojagić 13, Nusret Kadrić 10, Enver Hadžiabdić 6, Ljubo Kalaba 6, Miljan Štaka 4, Edin Sprečo 4, Ivan Osim 3/2, Salem Čenanović 2, Drago Smajlović 2/1, Stevica Krsmanović 1, Fikret Mujkić 1.
Trainer : Josip Babić, Marcel Žigante
1966/67 : Josip Bukal 30/17, Branimir Jelušić 30/2, Dušan Jovanović 29, Nusret Kadrić 27, Ivan Osim 26/8, Josip Katalinski 25, Blagoje Bratić 24/1, Fikret Mujkić 22/4, Stevica Krsmanović 19, Edin Sprečo 19/7, Rastislav Matić 15, Enver Hadžiabdić 15, Ilija Tojagić 14/1, Franjo Crnec 13, Miljan Štaka 9, Duško Bajić 8, Ljubo Kalaba 7, Drago Smajlović 6/1, Avdija Deraković 4/2, Boris Bračulj 4, Salem Čenanović 2, Đuro Smajlović 2.
Trainer : Marcel Žigante
1967/68 : Vasilije Radović 30, Enver Hadžiabdić 29, Blagoje Bratić 28/2, Duško Bajić 27/7, Edin Sprečo 26/13, Branimir Jelušić 26/1, Ivan Osim 23/9, Avdija Deraković 23/4, Josip Katalinski 20, Fahrija Hrvat 18, Nusret Kadrić 17, Midhat Mujkić 15/1, Fikret ujkić 15/4, Miljan Štaka 12, Hajrudin Saračević 12, Josip Bukal 6/4, Boris Bračulj 6, Velija Bećirspahić 3/1, Dragan Nikolić 3/1, Mehmed Šljivo 2, Adem Borić 1.
Trainer : Milan Ribar
1968/69 : Vasilije Radović 34, Duško Bajić 33/6, Velija Bećirspahić 32, Enver Hadžiabdić 32, Blagoje Bratić 30/1, Branimir Jelušić 29/1, Fikret Mujkić 28/14, Avdija Deraković 25/4, Edin Sprečo 24/12, Josip Bukal 24/7, Hajrudin Saračević 21, Ivan Osim 18/3, Miljan Štaka 17, Midhat Mujkić 17, Fahrija Hrvat 13, Dušan Jovanović 5, Božo Janković 5/1, Boris Bračulj 4, Nusret Kadrić 1, Slaviša Todorović 1.
Trainer : Milan Ribar
cant help you with Sarajevo in 64/65, as they were in the lower league then and its very difficult to get hold of information for that. I do have them though from 1965-1969 if that helps. (If you ever get the team for 64/65 i would be happy if you could forward the information)
1965/66 : Refik Muftić 19, Ibrahim Sirćo 15, Boro Beatović 1, Mirsad Fazlagić 30/1, Sead Jesenković 30/-, Svetozar Vujović 29/1, Aleksandar Ristić 26/1, Milenko Bajić 24/1, Ibrahim Biogradlić 22/-, Boško Prodanović 28/8, Fahrudin Prljača 28/7, Musović 26/12, Stjepan Blažević 22/3, Sreten Šiljkut 16/-, Asim Ferhatović 15/1, Boško Antić 9/3, Vahidin Musemić 4/-, Poceković 1/-,
Trainer : Aleksandar Atancković
1966/67 : Boško Antić 30/14, Milenko Bajić 30/-, Mirsad Fazlagić 30/-, Fahrudin Prljača 29/5, Sead Jesenković 29/-, Boško Prodanović 28/10, Vahidin Musemić 25/16, Sreten Šiljkut 25/3, Ibrahim Sirćo 25/-, Fuad Muzurović 23/-, Stjepan Blažević 20/-, Ibrahim Biogradlić 15/-, Dragan Vujanović 9/1, Asim Ferhatović 9/-, Refik Muftić 5/-, Sreten Dilberović 4/-, Anton Mandić 3/-, Svetozar Vujović 2/-, Osman Maglajlija 1/-, Miodrag Makić 1/-
Trainer : Miroslav Brozović
1967/68 : Refik Muftić 19, Ibrahim Sirćo 15, Boro Beatović 1, Mirsad Fazlagić 28/-, Milenko Bajić 28/-, Stjepan Blažević 27/-, Svetozar Vujović 25/-, Fuad Muzurović 16/-, Sead Jesenković 14/-, Anđelko Tešan 3/-, Boško Antić 30/18, Sreten Šiljkut 30/1, Fahrudin Prljača 28/7, Vahidin Musemić 20/4, Boško Prodanović 19/11, Salih Delalić 13/2, Milan Makić 11/-, Dragan Vujanović 5/-, Hamzic 2/-, Braunovic 1/-, Hadzijusufovic 5/-
Trainer : Franjo Lovric, Munib Saračević
1968/69 : Refik Muftić 30, Ibrahim Sirćo 5, Anđelko Tešan 34, Svetozar Vujović 34, Fahrudin Prljača 33/7, Fuad Muzurović 31, Edhem Šljivo 15/-,
Milenko Bajić 16, Mirsad Fazlagić 7/1, Stjepan Blažević 6/-, Ranko Petković 2/-, Vahidin Musemić 24/7, Murat Šaran 24/6, Manojlo Radinović 22/-,
Boško Prodanović 18/5, Salih Delalić 18/4, Sreten Šiljkut 17/1, Boško Antić 16/6, Dragan Vujanović 16/1, Hasanbegovic 9/-, Dragoljub Simić 2/-, Slavko Šljivić 18/-,
Trainer : Munib Saračević
hi could you please send me the statistics about FC Sarajevo 1969 – 1970 season. Thankyou
Thank you very much ! I have stas fk Sarajevo the same Wolfgang’s book …but said some data are wrong
happy holidays to all: D
too you Mirko!!Thanks 🙂
Yes, Happy Holidays to everyone! Cheers guys!
Hi ! Happy New Year 2017 to all
Thanks Jacek! Happy New Year to everyone!
Hi ! You Too Jacek ! Thanks
Is There somebody who Knows a book with all goalscores Irish (eire) ? thanks
No clue, maybe check the Irish Times archive (very expensive unfortunately).
Actually I found something:
Blurb from another site: “Includes full listings of league goal scorers for every club for every season”
So I suppose it means the totals, not details for every match.
I think I will get that book!
thanks Silverman, irish time how much it costs? You have no idea? for the book I had seen the weather site does ….. but I am not sure it meets the goals of each player’s season by season ……
The price is given at Amazon, currently at around 38 USD. If you have an Amazon account, I believe you can add it to your wishlist or something and you will be notified each time the price changes. Or search other used book sites, you can get it much more cheaply if you’re lucky.
Yes thanks ! But i mean to Irish time Archive (paper online)
I see they have a promotion now and access costs 1 euro in the first month, then 12 euro in each subsequent month. If one month is enough for you and you have a virtual credit card, in theory you could set the balance to zero to avoid being charged, but this will certainly result in a ban and possibly legal action. Read their terms of service before you subscribe.
ok thanks ! where are you from silverman?
Hi,I’m Mister Cielo from Italy and I’m a football statistic collector.So,are years that I desperately look for lineups of Swiss League from 1979-80 to 1988-89,danish League of the same decade and also club’s rosters,Polish League also from 1979-80 to 1988-89 lineups and finally I can’t find statistics always of the same decade for Penarol and Nacional Montevideo,Cerro Porteno e Club Olimpia Asuncion,many clubs from Brazil and Argentina also from Colombia and Ecuador and finally databases of national football team of Qatar,Iraq,Kuwait,Costa Rica,Trinidad & Tobago,Usa,Malaysia,Indonesia and Thailand!!!!! I know,I’m a crazy football statistician but all the informations,websites,books or other statisticians you can give me….I bless you!!!!
Thanks bye Francesco
Ciao Francesco sono italiano come te
Per il campionato polacco vedi wikiliga per le altre vedo….per penarol e sudamericane sono anni che cerco pure io
http://www.wikiliga.pl or the Das Fussball Studio database.
As for national teams, I don’t think you can find ALL lineups, except for the USA. There are considerable gaps in the early years for many if not all NTs not from Europa or South America. Only a couple like USA, Japan, China or Australia have reasonably complete information.
for the swiss lineups, please check my database for “Das Fussball Studio”. It contains all lineups from 1933 up to now. If you need further information, just let me know 🙂
If you need only apps/goals, i can recommend you this book (although there are some mistakes): http://www.sportantiquariat.ch/0-21-21-4489-0-0-0-swiss~league~players~record~ligue~nationale~a~~19.html
Hi Chris,
I am looking for Swiss Cup game lineups and scoring for various teams through the years… do any of your sources have lineups for domestic cup games?
Here are the specific seasons for each club that I’m searching for. Thanks!
FC Basel 1972-73 / 73-74
FC St Gallen 1989-90
FC Zurich 1963-64 / 67-68
Grasshopper 1956-57 / 78-79 / 79-80 / 80-81 / 93-94 / 96-97 / 97-98
Neuchatel Xamax 1981-82 / 85-86
Young Boys Bern 1958-59
Hi Steve,
Yes, I might have a few of your missing lineups. But they are still unsorted. I’ll try to compile the data for you.
Hi Chris,
I was able to find a lot of those games in the various online Swiss papers (I didn’t realize that a few of them existed!)
Now I just need to find the round 1 and 2 St Gallen games from 1989-90 (2.9.89 and 7.4.90) and all 6 games for Grasshoppers in 1993-94. I definitely can’t find the first GCZ game online (18.9.93) and I haven’t had a chance to search for the other rounds yet.
The other dates were 6.11.93, 2.3.94, 23.3.94, 4.4.94 and 15.5.94. I’m hoping to find a few of those over the weekend, but that season seems to be a bad one for football coverage (few lineups printed, short wire service game stories) so if you have any of those dates it would really help!
Ok, I’ve found all of the Grasshopper 1993-94 lineups except for the first game (2-0 over Freienbach, 18.9.93), so if you have that game and the 2 St-Gall games mentioned in the other reply (2.9.89 and 7.4.90) I would be all set! Thanks!
Hi Steve,
Yes, I have the dates for the Grasshoppers game as well as for one of the St. Gallen games (07.04.90). And I should be able to get you also the dates for the other St. Gallen game. Do you have an email adress?
Hi Chris, were you ever able to find the lineup for the Grasshoppers 18.9.93 cup game vs Freienbach? My email is pinchyqat at yahoo.com.
Hi Chris….I’m an Italian football collector,I saw your database “Das Fussball Studio” because I’m a fervid collector of lineups and club’s rosters,as regard Swiss league and other countries but I can’t enter to the database!!!!! I’m looking for swiss league lineups and rosters from 1979/80 season to 1988/89….could you help me? For me it will be great to have the material in pdf version or in paper version….paying obviously!!!!! Let me know
thanks bye Francesco
P.S. if you want contact me at my email: cf.cielo@libero.it
Have you installed the software? It’s in German, so if you don’t know the language the installation is a bit tricky. Anyway, just accept the default settings and the unpack the database in the appropriate folder (under My Documents/Das Fussball Studio/data by default). You can also double click the file from anywhere on disk and the program will start/
Hi,thanks but I have no time to do this due to work….it will be a way,I suggest you a PDF file to send at my email only as regard the 80’s season,from 1979-80 to 1988-89….it will be possible? thanks
bye Francesco
Hi Chris,
You can send them to pinchyqat at yahoo dot com.
Thanks so much!
Denmark 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1990 has been added to “Various” (1985 follows next week).
Hi Francesco,
I’m Danish and can help you with lineups (and other information) from the 1988 and 1989 Danish leagues if you are still interested?
Best regards
yes I am interesting in Danish League from 1988 and 1989, will you able to send me this please (my email address is cpbelz65@yahoo.co.uk
Brasile e argentina si trova tanto
Ciao,il mio cruccio è il campionato svizzero dal 1979/80 al 1988/89 e quello danese con inoltre le rose delle squadre per posizione….pure i giocatori della nazionale del Costa Rica dal 1980 al 1989 con le posizioni dei giocatori. inoltre,come te, mi mancano le storie statistiche di molti clubs sudamericani in particolare i non brasiliani,argentini e cileni….se condividi la mia passione sappi che la mia decade preferita sono gli anni ottanta,tabellini o lineups e rosters di clubs e nazionali soprattutto in tornei amichevoli o singole amichevoli di tutto il mondo!!!!!
P.S. contattami pure per news e novità di libri o siti web,la mia email è: cf.cielo@libero.it
ciao Francesco
Complete Swiss league lineups (also the second division since the war) are available in the Das Fussball Studio database at http://www.dfs-datenbanken.info/schweiz
Switzerland has also more than a dozen digitized newspapers if you want to verify the details.
How do i open these files (*.vmdw)????
Hi Tasos,I’m an Italian football collector and I want to ask you if you have the lineups of Greece under 21 from 1980 to 1989 or you know someone that has these statistics or websites and books…..thanks
bye Francesco
Here are the Polish First Division lineups since the war:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzwxJQg8S5etM2lESjhOZ254QmM (48-73)
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzwxJQg8S5etMmlpODNXQVEtYkk (74-94)
Not 100% accurate, so check with other sources (mentioned above). If you’re serious about this topic, you cannot do without this book: http://www.sendsport.pl/product-pol-2469-Encyklopedia-ekstraklasy-Statystyczny-bilans-80-sezonow.html (it does not have lineups but app/goal totals for every player since 1927). An updated edition is supposed to appear later this year, I’ll let you know when and where it is available.
Thanks for all these! Do you happen to have Polish domestic cup goals/appearances for Ruch Chorzow for 1973-74? They played 5 games.
League apps/goals only: http://www.imagebam.com/image/71f3c6525514432
Bah, you meant the cup. Fortunately a list is already available at http://www.ruchchorzow.com.pl/aktualnosci/4858/41lat-temu-ruch-zdobyl-puchar-polski/.
Thank you! That’s exactly what I needed.
I have added a chapter on Eire. The content will be uploaded soon.
wow thanks !
good ! thanks
Chris, i downloaded the Das Fussball Studio and have been having a look through different leagues etc. i came across Holland and noticed the current database has no info regards the 70’s and i was wondering how i go about inserting the info? I take it i have to create the players and then insert the players names into the relevant games?
This is indeed the case, but your best bet would be to contact the author (he knows English reasonably well) and convince him to add the details. You can do it on your own but you’ll lose regular updates as the databases cannot be merged or exported in any way (at least not officially).
Republic of Ireland goalscorers has been added as well as Football League lineups for 1969-70.
Also, Denmark 1984-1987 and 1990 to “various”.
for those interested worlfootball completed Eredivise 1974-75!
Excellent news!
Worldfootball completed Division 1 England 1967-68
oh i have to hurry now! 😉
You can do staaliga 50 years that is not found on the web 😉 would be the first!
My plan for 2017 is the following: First 1955-56 and 1956-57 England First Division, then Austrian Staatsliga 1950-51 and 1951-52. Then back to England 1957-58 and 1958-59, then back to Austria 1952-53 and 1953-54. And so on.
good ! staaliga for 1954-55 have to wait a while 😉
Indeed it will take a while ’til I reach Austria 54-55. I will scan the original source for that season and send it to you.
No more Belgium? 🙁 I’m still missing a couple of seasons until 1986/87 which is available on bsdb.be…
Quando ci sarà la cup belgio dal 1963 al 1969? Grazie saluti.
Thanks for reminding me of the Belgian Cup 1960s. I will take care of that soon!
Hello, Wolfgang,
Once again many thanks for your help in providing the East German oberliga lineups.
It is really helpful for me to collect East German league lineup records that I am very interested
in. Thank you !
Recently, I was busy in finding some useful websites that you might be interested in.
1. Revista Estadio 1941-1982 (Chile)
Although the magazine itself begin to provide the Chilean league lineups from 1945, this site still
provide many Chilean league football records between 1945 and 1975.
However, the site miss to provide the magazines from 1976 to 1982.
2. Revista Placar from 1970
Try to use this site in chrome rather than google.
Although the site does not have every Placar magazines, it still provide large number of them which have many Brazilian Football league records.
3. FUWO magazines (DDR)
If you type “Fussball-woche, DDR torrent” in google, you can find number of good torrent sites
which provide FUWO magazines between 1950 and 1990.
Although it does not have every magazines, you still can find number of complete season records for DDR first and second division lineups (as well as cup) for 1954, 1955, 1973-1976, 1979, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1989 and 1990.
4. Nemzeti Sport, 1905-2015 (Hungary)
Although it is a paysite, it has a incredible database for the Hungarian sport newspaper called “Nemzeti Sport” or “Nep Sport.”
It has provided large number of Hungarian first and second division lineups up to 2015.
I do not know how far they provided the lineups yet.
I begin to find the lineup information from 1940s when great Hungarian footballer Ferenc Puskas played for Honved.
The only problem is this site charge the user for 20 Euros per month.
That’s all folks, thanks for your website and many useful information !
Talk to you again later. Bye.
Hi Paul, thanks for the links! If you still have the subscription to Nemzeti Sport, I wonder if you would mind finding me two game lineups for Videoton in the 1984 Magyar Kupa? Those are the only 2 Hungarian games that I am still searching for!
Dates are 29.8.84 (7-0 win vs Varpalota) and 31.10.84 (1-2 loss to BVSC). Thanks!
http://www.nela.hu has complete first division Hungarian lineups (the early years, before WW1 may have gaps).
For Nemzeti Sport, you can read the plain text version even without subscription if you display the webpage source (Ctrl+U in Firefox). OCR seems to be quite good. The only problem is the language barrier.
For East Germany, I have (almost?) all second division lineups, if you know how to handle MS Access databases to convert them into a more convenient format, mail me (silvermane at gazeta.pl)
Thanks for the tip – I was able to find the second Videoton game story that way but it appears they didn’t report on the first round game on 29.8.84…
That’s the curse of domestic cups everywhere, the opening round games often just have the score reported, not even goal-scorers.
Yes, silvermane, you are right indeeed. I have a difficulty in figuring out which one is league and cup when I check the Hungarian Football results. For instance, I now finally realize MNK means Cup and NB1 is first division etc. Thanks for your indication.
Thanks, silvermane. It would be great if I can add East Germany second division to my collection. As soon as I have an answer for MS Access things, I would like to email you soon. Thank you !
Hello, Steve, I am glad you can find the 2nd Videoton game information through the website. Until early 1980s, Hungarian newspaper did not include the minute of every goalscorers. For your information, please find it as below.
Videoton 7-0 (half time 2-0) Varpalotai Banyasz
Place: Varpalotai
Spectators: 800 nezo (I think?)
V (refree?): Bay
Videoton: Koszta – Vegh, Csuhay, Vaszil, Horvath G. – Burcsa, Vittmann (Gomori a szunetben), Vadasz (Palkovics a 65. percben) – Majer, Szabo, Novath
No lineups for Varpalotai
Goals: Szabo (2), Novath (2), Gomori, Majer, Csuhay
That’s all.
very very good site 😉 i know
very very good site i know
Sure, Steve, that is no problem. Fortunately, I have downloaded some of the 80s when I have a membership to Nemzeti. How can I send them to you? Could you please tell me how? Thanks.
Thanks Paul! The Videoton game was the last thing I needed for Hungary.
I see you have data from Chile — do you happen to have lineups for Universidad Catolica for the 1993 league season? Or even better, a season summary with player starts/sub appearances/goals? That would help me cross another country off my list!
forgot to add – you can email me at pinchyqat at yahoo.com. Thanks again.
Dear Steve,
Sorry, I do not have a Chilean Football records after 1975.
If you have any Chilean league statistics from 1976, can you tell me where I can find them?
Or maybe you can send some to my email as below.
Thank you !
I saw that you are looking for news on the Chilean teams! I try appearances and goals of ‘Catolica University 1960-67 included 66! can you help me? thanks
Here’s a site for Colo Colo that I just found…
hi ! good i know thanks
Dear Igor, Sure I can help. Please tell me how I can send the pdfs to you. When I re-check the information, there are 16 pdfs (1960 2, 1961 2, 1962 3, 1964 1, 1965 2, 1966 4) available during the years of 1960-1966 for Chilean league. However, they miss to provide 1964 from July to December. And for the 1966 season, the league ends on January 15th, 1967.
Please kindly find the Univesiad de Catolica’s last game for 1966 season for a sample as below.
Miercoles 11 de enero de 1967
Estadio Nacional
Publico: 77,890
Arbitro: Rafael Hormazabal
U. De Chile (5): Neff; Eyzaguirre, Quintano y Villanueva; J. Rodriguez y Hodge; Araya, Yavar, Campos, Marcos y Sanchez. (DT.: L. Alamos)
U. Catolica (3): Vallejos; Laube, Villareal y Barrientos; Adriazola e Isella; Betta; Prieto, Gallardo, Tobar y Fouilloux. (DT.: L. Vidal)
GOLES DE: a los 5′ Araya, a los 19′ Prieto, a los 25′ Yavar, a los 38′ Campos y a los 41′ Araya; en el segundo tiempo: a los 12′ Araya, a los 26′ Isella y a los 35′ Tobar
Please tell me how you want me to send the files. Thanks.
Hi Paul Lee ,wow ! thank you very much !is fine even if only appearances and goals! my email is: stilo.igor@fastwebnet.it
You have joined the group on FB? hello again grace
P.S. but if you have news also on Penarol Los millionares?
Dear Igor,
I am starting to send Chilean league records to your email one by one.
Please kindly find them.
If you have any problem in opening the google drive, please let me know.
Thank you !
http://www.lexpressarchives.ch/ Suisse liga 1 and 2
This is great, thank you !
With more than 200 comments, this page is getting rather chaotic, so I have created a Facebook group where we could discuss football research much more conveniently, and also share images/files etc. So if you’re using FB send an invite and I will add you.
Hi ! friends England Division One season 1966-67 complet
worldfootball.net season 1966-67 complet
you know this book? I judgments discordant!
I don’t
Great work !
Does anyone know about a good source for Brazilian and Romanian championships statistics (appearances) from the 70s ?
Brazil – see above
Romania – join our FB group (see above), there are many Romanians there who might help you
Hi, Hansen,
If you are interested in Brazilian championship statistics from the 70s, you should check the Placar magazine’s “Tabelao” between 1970 and 2007. Although the magazine has stopped to produce the “Tabelao” after 2007, they have incredible records for the years 1970-2007. However, it mainly produces the national league, Copa Brazil, 5-7 major state championships (Rio, Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, Pernambuco and Parana) only. For the state championships after 2009, you can check 1 Brazilian blog website called “http://ibracrvg.blogspot.kr/search/label/Campeonato%20Brasiliense” which provided almost all of the 23 state championship records between 2009 and 2016.
I suppose you know this already (for chilean stats) :
Thanks for your quick replies
As for Brrazil, I know Placar but they don’t provide what I’m looking for – at least not that I know of – which is player appearances during the season. There was a site called Futpedia that used to have some basic stats, but strangely they removed them. The Brazilean championships from the 70s were played by at least 40 teams each year, I didn’t have the time to get them all : D
Hello, Hansen!
Are you in need of any specific player or club appearances data on any given season? Maybe I can find that for you. Do you mean the number of matches played? Or the list of them? I’m from Brazil and I’ve got a few sources here. If you need some help, just let me know.
(copied from earlier thread)
The best Brazilian site I’ve found is this one… the navigation is hard to figure out but it’s got a wealth of lineup data for Brasileiro back to 71 and various cups:
And this site has a huge amount of historical lineups for Brazil, too (including State championships like Paulista and Carioca):
Some navigation doesn’t work, but it could also be that certain browsers don’t work either.
If you want to see 1980 Brasileiro, go to “Campeonatos, Nacionais, Brasileiro 1A.
It should open up a new row of menus. Pick Outros Anos and choose 1980
Participantes – Clubes will show you the teams from that year; pick a team and click Gols, and it will show you players/appearances/goals.
If you want to see game-by-game lineups, pick a team and click Ficha, then choose Jogos/Por Ano or Por Ano/Camp.
Hope that helps!
Unfortunately they don’t have full stats for the State Championships, but you can find fichas tecnicas for most of those tournaments on the other site I mentioned.
I should also add that the names and numbers are often extremely variable – you might see Wilson Taddei, Vilson Taddei, Taddei and Tadei all in the same team summary… but I’ve seen those same errors replicated elsewhere too, which leads me to believe that they were working from the same (original?) source material as other, team-specific sites. I’ve spent at least a year correcting names and cleaning up appearance information for the specific teams I’m interested in via secondary sources, but it’s a good starting point.
blogmarcao is good site !
(bumping a message from February for CHRIS which got lost in the mess above)
Chris: “Hi Steve,
Yes, I have the dates for the Grasshoppers game… do you have an email address?”
Hi Chris, are you able to send the lineup and scorers for the Grasshoppers 18.9.93 cup game vs Freienbach? My email is pinchyqat at yahoo.com.
if you guys need information about turkish football you have a check this site http://www.iddaasahadan.com/en-iyi-bahis-siteleri/
Hello, Wolfgang, I just wonder when you are going to upload Italian Serie A from 75/76 and Belgian league from 79/80 information? Can you also help me to upload more Dutch leagues? Many thanks !
Hi Paul, regarding Belgium and Italy: not too soon. Right now I will concentrate on England and what comes after that I have not made up my mind yet (perhaps Austria). I would like to help you upload more Dutch leagues, sure. What do I have to do?
Based on the current Dutch league in this website, you have uploaded 73-74 season only. Can you help me to upload more Dutch league lineups? I am mostly interested in the 1970s and 1980s. And if you are going to do some works on Austria in the future, can you do the works on the seasons between 1945 and 1975? Many thanks for your help !
Problem with Eredivisie is the lack of easy-available source material. I did 1973-74 by going through online newspaper archives which was a laborious and time-consuming effort. I figured I need a single source if I wanted to cover Eredivisie in the future. Unfortunately the Eredivisie seems to be the one important European league where no series of books has yet been published which cover the league in statistical match-by-match detail (to my knowledge vintage season “yearbook” coverage starts only in 1978-79 and I have tried to collect these books so far). Hence I do not plan to work on the Eredivisie at the moment. However I have learned recently that weltfussball is now covering Erevidisie going back to the 1960s on their website thus I consider taking the information for lineups from that source, although usually my policy is not to take online information from other websites for my own. My question: what kind of information have you gathered so far for the Eredivisie and how could I help you with your project?
Sorry for late reply of your message, Wolfgang on the issue of Eredivisie ! Besides of major European Football leagues, such as England, Germany, Spain, Italy and France, I am extremely interested in collecting the lineups for the Netherlands, Portugal and Austria. So far I have collected 5-6 complete lineups for Dutch Football, mostly covers early 1990s. Even though I have purchase 10-12 Dutch yearbooks, such as Samson, VI and others, they do not provide full lineups, rather their lineups information has a type ‘ox’ style which is not my preference. For the Dutch, I am more interested in the years from 1970s to 1990s which is the golden age of Dutch football. If you have a plan to work on Dutch football in the near future, I am asking you for the 70s and 80s. Thanks anyway!
Hello Wolfgang, you can find eredivisie material here : http://www.futboletin.com/anuario_holanda.htm
This guy seems to be (at least a few years ago) offering lineups from various leagues at rather exorbitant prices. But for the Dutch league, there is no reason to pay him, everything can be found in newspaper archives online.
Do you remember that league offered?
Thanks for the info!
igor, the usual fare – Spain, Italy, Netherlands etc.
Only major championships ….
Have anyone lineups of these Balkan Clubs Cup matches?
24.12.1961 Dinamo Tiran-Dinamo Bucarest 1-1
21- 6-1962 Dinamo Tiran – Levski Sofia 0-0
15.12.1963 Dinamo Tiran-Rapid Bucarest 1-1
8- 4-1964 Dinamo Tiran – Levski Sofia 1-1
14- 7-1964 Levski Sofia – Dinamo Tiran 1-1
16-12-1964 17 Nëntori Tiran – Cherno More Varna 0-0
30.06.1965 Vardar Skopje-Spartak Plovdiv 0-3
26.11.1965 17 Nentori-Beşiktaş 2-0
19.05.1966 17 Nentori Tiran – Rapid Bucarest 1-2
15.06.1966 Cherno More Varna-UTA Arad : 3-1
03.12.1966 Partizani Tiran – UTA Arad 2-0
28- 5-1966 Partizani Tiran – Cherno More Varna 2-0
29- 6-1966 Cherno More Varna – Partizani Tiran 3-1
06.09.1967 Vardar Skopje-AEK Athens 1-1
23-12-1967 Vllaznia – Beroe 4-0
12.06.1968 Vllaznia -Farul Constanta 2-1
29.06.1968 Farul Constanta – Vllaznia 2-1
07.05.1969 Dinamo Tiran-Universitatea : 2-0
17.09.1969 Dinamo Tiran-FK Bor 4-1
15.10.1969 Dinamo Tiran-Beroe 1-0 (Final)
27.05.1970 Universitatea-Partizan Tiran : 0-1
2- 6-1971 Besa – Etar 2-1
23.06.1971 Besa-Crvenka 1-0
07.05.1972 Shkendija-Vardar Skopje 1-1 (or 24.09.1972)
11.06.1972 Vardar Skopje- Shkendija 1-1 (or 17.09.1972)
30.05.1973 Labinoti Elbasan – ASA Tîrgu Mureş 2-0
31.03.1976 Dinamo Tiran-Dinamo Zagreb 1-2
12.05.1976 Dinamo Zagreb-Dinamo Tiran 2-1
23-02-1983 17 Nentori-Beroe 1-3
04.10.1984 Beroe-Argeş Piteşti : 4-1
01.10.1987 PAOK-Argeş Piteşti : 2-0
22.11.1988 Radniçki Niş-Lokomotiv Sofia 2-1
https://www.foradejogo.net/index.php Very interesting website about portugal football with lineups in particular from 80’s since current season
Hi again
Does anyone know a site with stats from Argentinian championships (70s, 80s), with number of games/goals for individual players ?
Hi, Hansen,
If you are interested in Argentinian Football, then you can try
The only problem is you need to purchase their published annals which covers
from 1931 to 2016.
Or you can try another website,
They certainly provided full lineups from 2000s, but I am not sure whether they provided
any records before 2000s.
If I have another information, I will tell you later.
That’s all, good luck !
Great website.
For the spanish championship look at this:
Thanks Paul for your answer
I had already tried that site but for some reason they won’t accept payments from outside Argentina.
So I couldn’t buy the years I was interested in. I’ve been looking for a different option, if anyone knows about one, let me know : D
I bought their Argentine league information 2 years ago by using Western Union. It worked well!
Thanks, Wolfgang for your reminding of the payment information.
Yes, I also purchased their annals through Western Union. Although it is not convenient in some ways, but it works.
Can someone tell me whether I can downloaded any pdf type Dutch or Portuguese Football magazines or newspapers on the website?
I have downloaded some “A Bola” through scribd or others, but I can’t find any “Voetbal International” on the website.
If there is any digital newspapers which covers full lineups for the fitst division (at least) for both countries, can you share the information with me?
Paul, have you joined Silvermane’s Facebook group yet? That would be the perfect place to pose such a question. If not, here’s the link:
Oops, sorry. Thank you !
To answer your question, neither magazine is available on the web in any substantial numbers, just a few issues here and there.
Portuguese/Dutch league lineups are obtainable elsewhere, though, so it’s not much of a problem.
Thanks for your information, silvermane. Yes, you are right indeed. My goal for collecting the lineups has a type of pdfs or already published newspapers and magazines. Actually, I have purchased several yearbooks for those countries before, but now I want to collect them in magazine or yearbook types in pdf. I have collected major Football magazines, such as France Football, Guerin Sportivo, AS, Mundo Deportivo, Placar, Kicker Sportmagazin and others, but as you said it is really difficult for me to find many “A Bola” or “Voetbal Internation”
Maybe I should try on newspapers for these countries then. Thanks!
blogmarcao is good site !
Besides of blogmarcao, there is another website you guys should focus on Brazilian Football. This website called http://ibracrvg.blogspot.kr/search/label/Campeonato%20Brasiliense
which covers current Brazilian state leagues (all of them) since 2009 or 2010.
But one useful thing for this site is they also covers many historical lineups, such as 1973 Brazilian championship full lineups based on the state.
HI Paul Lee,
If by chance you find newspapers or sites with presences and goals of the penarol montevideo from 1963, let me know! thank you
Sure, Igor. That is no problem. If I find anything about Penarol, I will let you know.
thanks 😀
Hello everybody
I would like to be given information about three romanian players who played in the Divizia A/First Division in the 1986-1987 season. Their surnames are:
Mateescu (FC Olt Scornicesti)
Constantin (Rapid Bucuresti),
and Laurentiu (Rapid Bucuresti).
The three of them only played 1 game each, and I would like to know something more about them.
Thanks in advance!
Do you know Silvermane’s facebook group? That’s the best place to ask such questions.
Thank you Wolfgang, but unfortunately I don’t have a Facebook account. That’s why I asked the question about those players on this website. 🙁
Alfredo, try asking Romeo Ionescu by e-mail (his address can be found at RSSSF pages, for example Moldova 1994/95).
Ok Silvername. Thanks a lot for your advice. I hope it will be useful.
When will be next updating??? Is It all updating on Facebook now.
Who are you on Facebook? Just curious? I have updated Amateur football Germany recently and Oberliga Berlin.
I’m looking on Facebook too, but I wonder If will be updating on this webbsite.
Saved as a favoritе, I love youг web site!
Hello, Wolfgang!
First of all, congratulations: your website is truly fabulous! I’m a brazilian journalist and football data researcher. If you need any info concerning the championships here, maybe I can help you with that, as I’ve got a few sources here. Just let me know.
Keep up the good work!
Hi Emmanuel! Do you know about the facebook group called Football Lineups and Results Research, which was started by Silvermane and contains Wolfgang and a lot of the commenters on this site? It would be great to have a researcher from Brazil as a member!
To give one example of some of the projects there, a few of us have been trying to reconstruct player records for Uruguay. I have recently been reviewing microfilm for El Dia and posting Penarol’s lineups for a number of seasons in the 1960s and 1970s.
If you have a facebook account, let us know how to look you up on there and one of us can invite you to join the group!
Mery Christmas friends
Merry Christmas everyone! (England 59-60 part 2 is up)
Excellent resource for Europe and teams from South America and elsewhere with lots of historical goal times http://www.rsssf.com/resultsp.html#60s
Might be better
Bulgarian resource good from 2008, but patchy in years before, still lots of data to look at.
Nice site, thanks !
Good finds, thanks!
If anyone finds a good Leeds United resource for substitute and goal times pre August 1992 as too many sites see to think football started in August 1992.
Kind regards
Excellent Stoke City resource for Stoke goal times going back as far as 1970/71 ipfs.io
And Liverpool http://www.liverpoolfc.wikia.com this goes back decades too
Sorry for Stoke City use this link, to go to other seasons click on the arrow next to it.
Better link for Liverpool’s goal times a list of seasons
Stephanie, the Stoke link you posted is a standard Wikipedia article, no need to use copycat sites like ipfs.io.
Sorry I won’t post anything in future, bye
thought this might interest a few of you
an excel sheet detailing 301 matches from the season in scotland 1980/81, lists goalscorers, refs, lineups. goaltimes, bookings, dismissals, from various tournaments, (domestic and international)
you will need office 2007 + to view as it is a macro file. if you dont have office 2007+ then you can download a compatibility viewer
or not as be the case,
It is highly interesting to me! I would like to upload that information to my website!
im glad its interesting to you wolfgang, but sadly the majority speaks and little or no feedback and little or no downloads, speak volumes.
i find it slightly disconcerting that this provides a fairly easy way to keep a multitude of information in a small confined space, (dont know about you but im fed up having to scroll through a multitude of sites to find the information i want) this site is great but again sadly it appears you are doing it all on your own, and there appears to be no offers of help, whether that be through your choice or the fact noone offers to help, i dont know, it startles me enfa charge 32 pounds a year for a subscription to their info and people happily pay it and praise enfa yet here you are doing it all for free and providing valuable information and there seems to be little or no input and due to time constraints at your end, little or no new info appearing.
i have similar files that contain english league seasons and other scottish seasons and as i say its a simple way to maintain a clean simple archive, but yet it appears to have fallen on deaf ears. it was the same over on other facebook groups and other forums, whether its the fact that they dont like the idea (which ive seen no sign of) or the fact that they dont want to have to pay a nominal fee for my time collating all the info, who knows, personally i think it would have been a fantastic way for you to put all your info you have here, and for others to have contributed and it could have been a major project for us all to work together, but from what i see on other facebook groups and forums, it appears to be a competition to write a book and make money these days, than it is to work together for the better good.
I can see your points and thanks for your kind words!
Personally I never cared much for feedback. This website is just an added bonus to something I would do anyway even without the website. My main reason to work on this is my interest in historical domestic football competitions. Since I compile this information for myself anyway, I might just also publish it. But publication is not the reason I do it in the first place. Hence I am not discouraged if feedback is low and also I do not intend to make money with this (of course I lose money with this but that happens with any hobby out there, rarely do regular people make money with their hobbies).
send me a mail wolfgang, and we can discuss this further via there, im like you in that i do it as a hobby albeit i did have the notion of charging for the idea/databases, but as you say its a hobby and should be treated as such, and it seems a ridiculous notion that we have similar ideas but have the information on separate websites/blogs.
im working on a quicker way to input the data, as the dashboard part of the file and the calculation is automatic, the only input required is data, kits, and the player data (in saying that though player data once entered once does not need entered again, as you copy over the player data from one sheet to next)
i have a player database that works in a similar style to the lineup database as well if thats of interest.
Complete czechoslovakian lineups for every match since 60 – 61.
Ah here!
Looks great!
remember the results section in shoot and match from the 70’s? well heres something similar. i have used the first division as an example but i have done it for all the cups and divisions in england and scotland for a couple of seasons so far. as you can see where possible ive included referee, attendance and goalscorers and times. the finished article has all cups, divisions, european and internationals [involving british teams], and is in pdf format and printable.
I’m the administrator of the site http://www.dbscalcio.it. I’m looking for match-report with PLAYER RATINGS from the main world championships. In particular England before 1994/95, france before 2003/04. If you have links to post I thank you.
I’m waiting for other English First Division seasons/squads
Currently adding players to “Player Records A to K” and when that is finished I will resume working on England (1962-63).
You have to correct one player (Player Records)
It’s Janusz Kupcewicz not Jan
Janusz and Jan two different Polish names
Thanks for the Info!
I do not know whether it’s just me or if everyone else experiencing issues with your website.
It looks like some of the written text within your posts are running off the screen. Can somebody else please comment and let
me know if this is happening to them too? This could be a problem with my web browser because I’ve had this happen before.
Thank you
Hi , for me is ok
For me is ok too!
Hi Francesco, join our FB group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/375803282812198/?ref=bookmarks and we might be able to help you (with Poland at least).
thanks Gwidon….I’m a great collector of lineups,clubs and national teams above all of the 80’s…..from 1979/80 to 1988/89…now I’m looking for Poland under 21 lineups from 1980 to 1989 and Greece under 21 of the same decade!!!!! We hope…..so I’m trying also to contact the online bookstore GIA.PL but I have no answer almost from 6 months because I think they have Poland under 21 lineups…I think so!!!!
Let me know about your facebook website because I could ask you many things…..bye
Can anyone help locating lineups and goalscorers of the Canadian National Soccer League 1976-78?
Would you be able to get the line ups for the Leeds 3-2 Brighton game 10th Feb 1961? Thanks
Leeds: 1 Alan Humphreys 2 Alf Jones 3 Grenville Hair 4 Bobby Cameron 5 Jack Charlton 6 Freddie Goodwin 7 Gerry Francis 8 Eric Smith 9 Johnny McCole 10 Billy Bremner 11 Colin Grainger
Brighton: 1 Charlie Baker 2 Bob McNichol 3 Joe Carolan 4 Jack Bertolini 5 Roy Jennings 6 Steve Burtenshaw 7 Mike Tiddy 8 Ian McNeill 9 Dennis Windross 10 Tony Nicholas 11 Bobby Laverick
0-1 Laverick (24.), 1-1 McCole (32.), 2-1 Charlton (47.), 3-1 Goodwin (62.), 3-2 Laverick (68.)
Hello Wolfgang, tell me where you can find Oberliga Westfalen 1994-95 for 1998-1999, Oberliga Nordrhein 1990-91 for 1998-1999 and Oberliga Hessen 1990-91 for 1998-1999 with line-ups please
Hello Wolfgang the German Regionalliga from 1971-1973 with results and scorers will you publish it? Where can you find it?
Unfortunately I do not know where to find that info! Sorry!
The source that I used stopped given detailed information in 1971 and I don’t know of another source.
Nord is at http://www.dsfs.de/index.php?id=345
Berlin is in the DFS North Germany database (current version http://www.dfs-datenbanken.info/daten/d_4-6_nord_nordost_200223.zip)
Süd is somewhat complete at fupa.net (the major teams at least)
As for West and Südwest, I had recourse for the Kicker archive, but some matches (usually the postponed ones) are missing – Kicker was after all a South German newspaper until the 2000s when the coverage (at Oberliga level) was widened.
Do I need a subscription to access the Kicker archvio or is it free? Is it on the internet?
It is not free, you need to have a subscription.
Hi Wolfgang, but to find the scoreboards with the scorers of the Intertoto Cup matches where can I find them on the internet? Are you going to wear anything from the 1961-1975 period? Thanks
Anyone know to tell me where to find lineups of the Greek championship between 1986 to 1990?
Yes, I have verified that on transfermarkt the games played come, but not the line-ups of each game, I suppose that will be more difficult to find.
There are complete lineups for each season since 1984/85. Work on 1982/83 and 1983/84 is underway.
The Swiss championship 1957-58 on transfermarkt.it is still not complete. Will they complete it? Thank you.
It has been completed and some work on 56/57 is being done.
a little question
– What about the English First Division – from 1985 till 1992?
I will try to get back to that soon. Right now I’m working on English First Division 1962-63 – after that, instead of going straight to 1963-64 I might add 1985-86, then 1963-64, then 1986-87 and so on!
Treasure trove of information you have here Wolfgang. Superb. I’ve been looking at your regionalliga details and wonder if you have any plans to publish the remaining three seasons (1971-72, 72-73. 73-74) when this was the German second tier? Can you tell me what publication they come from and is it available for purchase?
Also, there don’t appear to be any active links for Spain
Hope you can help
Hi David, thanks a lot for the kind words! The source is “Jahrbuch des Fussballs” by Karl-Heinz Huba (Copress Verlag). Unfortunately my source stopped covering the Regionalliga with the issue on 1971-72. So far as I know the only way to fill that void until the emergence of 2. BL would be to scan the match reports from Kicker’s various regional issues. That would be too much work. Spain I have not been able to work on so far.
Thank you Wolfgang and for the links. My particular interest is attendance figures. I have a couple of Kicker Almanachs but these don’t have any details. I’m thinking the yearbooks might be better. For the three seasons in question I have details for the play-offs and Nord as well as West for 1972-73 & 1973-74 but nothing for the other leagues. I’m also missing the Berlin Liga for 1963-64 & 1964-65. Very frustrating especially as Germany is one of the countries with very detailed records for most seasons – for example I have full attendance details 1946-1963.
I will have a look at the links you provided. As you say, it would be next to impossible to go through all the various editions of Kicker.
Fupa has very good current season details but as far as I can see no archive section so everything disappears at the end of each season.
Sorry, I phrased that badly about FUPA. What I meant is there is no easily searchable archive but other seasons are accessible by searching via club
Here’s a link to amazon.de which has a couple of the books:
Football Monthly printed all English and Scottish results for 1963/64. I can scan them if you want them.
Thanks. I already have all English & Scottish details for every season
Hi I am interesting in Scottish league if you have al the matches with line up and scorers, attendances from 1950-70. please contact me (cpbelz65@ahoo.co.uk)
sorry my emails is cpbelz65@yahoo.co.uk
First, thanks for this great great site!
I’m looking for the complete squads (including the players’ shirt numbers) of the Copa Libertadores from 1960 to 2019 (or whatever available years), any idea of where I can find that kind of data?
Thanks for your kind words. Always great to have such feedback!
While I don’t know where to find the required information on the Copa Libertadores, I will ask someone who may know it!
Hello Wolfgang,
Thanks for your reply and your researches for that. I’ll stay in touch then 🙂
okay my helpful source Silvermane told me, that Weltfussball has all squads and lineups, should have shirt numbers for recent seasons too.
Ok thanks
Weltfussball have the squads indeed, but they are not complete roster of the 25 players, they only have the players that actually played at least one game in the competition.
Actually I think I do have this book here somewhere:
I will look where I have stored it
That would be great 🙂
Hi there
I’m trying to help my grandad find information about his uncle (name Keith Thomas) who played for Sheffield Wednesday in the 50s. Do you know where I can find lineups for their second division games from the 1951-52 season?
Really fantastic site by the way
Thank you Max! I will copy and paste what I found at ENFA’s website (which is a fantastic source and while it is a paysite the amount of information available there is huge and the subscription is not high).
Surname: Thomas
Forenames: Walter Keith
Birthdate: 28-Jul-1929
Birth Place: Oswestry
Position: Winger
Debut: Wolverhampton Wanderers v SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY, Division 1 (03-Mar-1951)
Total Appearances: 101
Total Goals: 19
Total Penalties: 0
Total Red Cards: 0
(1949) Oswestry Town
1950/51 Sheffield Wednesday 21st (Div 1) (R) R3 01-Sep-1950 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1951/52 Sheffield Wednesday 1st (Div 2) (P) R3 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1952/53 Cardiff City 12th (Div 1) R3 01-Jul-1952 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1953/54 Cardiff City 10th (Div 1) R4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1953/54 Plymouth Argyle 19th (Div 2) R4 01-Nov-1953 23 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
1954/55 Plymouth Argyle 20th (Div 2) R3 11 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1955/56 Plymouth Argyle 21st (Div 2) (R) R3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1955/56 Exeter City 16th (Div 3(S)) R3 01-Mar-1956 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1956/57 Exeter City 21st (Div 3(S)) R1 33 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
(1957) Hereford United
According to his shirt number he started out as an inside forward (#10) but then settled as right winger (#7) for most of his career.
If you want to have full lineups for 1951-52 for Sheffield Wednesday I cannot copy-and-paste that much information, but as I said, the subsription to ENFA is not that high and you would get the exact information you need to help your uncle’s search.
good work, buddy!
I’m looking for information about Erwin Helmchen and Ernst Willimowski. Actually I’m trying to find their official career goals. Does anyone has some good sources or even knowledge which could help me, Please?
Hi Lucas, have you looked at the “Player Records” section on my website? There’s an entry for Helmchen – all that is known about his goalscoring exploits can be found there.
There is a hell of a lot of cool info here. Looking forward to going back through all these lineups.
Hi, Wolfgang
what about the old National Football League (in South Africa) (from 1959 till 1977) (for white players)
there were a lot of famous players playing in the League (from the United Kingdom(England/Scotland), Germany, Holland for example)
Are you going to create the content about South Africa?
You have prepared the old NASL(American League) so it is possible to prepare the most known league in South Africa
Hi Hewie,
I have not thought about South Africa until now – you are right, many famous names played there in the 1960s and 70s. I will look around to see if there are printed sources available that I could use.
Hi, Wolfgang
when are you going to complete the page “Player Records”
players from L to Z
Hi, Wolfgang
what about Player Records from the letter L to the letter Z
Hi Goddard,
I don’t know yet – A to K took me forever to work on and I realized that if I go to Z it would take me like 2 years or something. I decided to work on lineups instead, which was my original idea for this website anyway. One day when I’m tired of doing lineups I will go back to the Player Records file. But I don’t know yet when that will be!
Hola, ¡tremendo y hermoso trabajo!
Te hago una consulta. ¿Dónde puedo puedo encontrar info del fútbol argentino (partidos, goles, cómo fue el gol, minuto)?. O sea, lo mismo que está acá pero para completar lo que falta (ej. amateurismo y época actual). ¡Y que no sea Goleamos!.
¡Te felicito de nuevo!
Hi, Wolfgang
Do you have/possess a list of foreign footballers in the old English Football League
(from 1946 till 1992) – players of course – from outside of the British Isles
for example Poland, Yugoslavia, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Iceland, Norway etc.
Loving this content. Wonder what the % of games were that had both teams to score.
Just find the percentage of 0;0 games and subtract that from 100%. You can find it using any statistics program, such as LTrack.
can you put yugoslavia first league seasons 2000/01 2003/04 2005/06 2006/07 and croatia 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 thank you
Dear Wolfgang I can help to create 1986-87 and 1987-88 but have no mins of goals
Is it interesting for you?
I’m looking for lineups from the Bremen Amateur League from 1951/52 and others
and the Roland Cup from 50/51 and others
Hi Florian, this is gonna be difficult. I just had a look at Kicker 1951/52 and they have no lineups, only results and table for the Bremen amateur league. I guess the only way to retrieve such lineups is by going to a library that has 1950s newspapers from Bremen available. Usually the games should be covered in the sports section of regional newspapers, hopefully with lineups included.