19 thoughts on “Season 1960-61”

  1. Hello Wolfgang.

    I decided to check Belgium first division, a championship with countless club bankrupts, mergers, change of names, etc, a veritable labyrinth!
    Here’s what i have found for subject season.

    a.First, names!
    Is it Kalamba or Kabamba (Standard)?
    Philippe de Wilder or Van Wilder, Johan Geerts or Lodewijk Geerts (anderlecht)?
    Paul Gernay or Leopold Gernaey (Beerschot)?
    Piet Vijlders or Pierre (Antwerp)?
    Roger Pirotte or Rene Pirotte (Vervietois)?
    Richard Tetela or Tadeusz Tetela (Patro)?

    Additionally, the following appearances do not add up to 30*11=330.

    Anderlecht (332)
    FC Brugge (344)
    Daring (331)
    RFC (331)
    Standard (331)
    Vervietois (331)

    And for Aalst, i find 330 but at week 14, you mention that your source had only 10 players, so instead i should count 329 at the whole and not 330.


    • Hi Tasos! I am pleasantly surprised to see you work on Belgium in the meantime! Fantastic news! I will check those errors soon and correct them. Many thanks for your effort!


    • The Standard player’s name is Kabamba, thanks for spotting this! There’s a similar sounding player for Verviers called Kalamba who is now part of the teams section.
      It is actually Willy Geerts who played for Anderlecht 1960-61.
      It’s Pierre Vijlders, Piet is his nickname.
      It’s Roger Pirotte.
      It’s Richard Tetela.

      I erroneously counted the game between Anderlecht and Daring on 4 Dec 1960 (which was abandoned due to heavy rain), which explains some wrong numbers.
      RFC: Emile Lejeune has 25 appearances (not 26).
      Standard: Marcel Paeschen 27 (not 28).
      Vervietois: Joseph Pannaye 20 (not 21).

      About Aalst: when I started with Belgium, I was still very unfamiliar with the source I was using for Belgium. While in the actual lineup indeed only 10 players were listed for Aalst, there is an appendix at the end of the book where the missing player (Willy Plas) was listed. It was this appendix that I also used for determining the appearances and goals of each player. Thus the appearances for Aalst correctly added up to 330, as this number was independent of the actual lineups.

      I am really grateful that checked this season for Belgium so thoroughly!
      My schedule for 2017 is the following: completing England the 1950s and at the same time also working on Austria (the 1950s). I hope to be starting with England 55-56 sometime in February, once Belgium the 1970s is finished.

      • Well, Ok.
        I will continue on Belgium and whenever you have a season on England complete i will check that too!


      • Hello again!
        What about FC Brugges? There are 14 surplus appearances!
        Additionally can you clarify about Anderlecht and Daring? Which players have less appearances?


        • Oh I forgot Brugge! I have corrected it now:
          Gabriel Savat 18 (instead of 19)
          Guido van Pottelberghe 7 (14)
          Armand De Groote 1 (7)

          Laurent Verbiest 26 (25)
          Jacques Stockman 21 (20)
          Albert Jordan 12 (13)
          Georges Heylens 16 (17)
          Godfried van de Boer 6 (7)
          Jean Cornelis 13 (14)

          Luc van Hoyweghen 10 (11)
          Robert van Kerckhoven 25 (24)
          Henri Verlinden 21 (20)
          Omer Claes 15 (16)
          Gustave Bauweraerts 16 (17)

          Surely you will wonder about some players getting more appearences. That’s because the appendix has a matrix for each club with a short line indicating whether a player appeared or no line if he not appeared in a certain game. With players that had many appearances, I did not count the indicating lines but the holes and deducted it from 30. The abandonded game which I mentioned was counted by my as “hole” and thus I deducted a number which was too high. That’s why some players have increased their appearances.

  2. * In my Memories stay Willy Geerts but is Lodewijk Geerts by RSCA 60/61.
    * It’s Tadeusz Tetela official but call him Richard.
    * Vanden Boer Godfriedus (Fritz) not Van de Boer (yeah my research for memories are from more then 10 years ago.
    * Leopold (Pol) Gernaey (not Paul)
    * Pierre (Piet) Vylders not Vijlders (Football Association make a lot of fouls in names, birthdays …)


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