28 thoughts on “The Football League”

  1. Any chance of posting lineups from the 1970-71 Rothmans? I own all volumes except this one, which is quite expensive on ebay (upwards of 50 pounds).

  2. I repeat my question.

    When the seasons 71-72, 72-73, 73-74, 80-81 and 81-82 are coming.

    Just curious only!!!

    S L

    • I don’t know it yet …. scanning takes some time and I have to go to library to use their high-tech scanner. But at the moment I have no time due to work commitments. June-July are traditionally my busiest months workwise. But I will try to upload it as soon as time permits, but I can’t say when that is. Maybe when there’s a rainy weekend then I could spend some time in the library.

    • Well eventually yes. I may do it in the near future (the problem is that my Rothman for the early 1980s are falling apart and it is hard to scan them properly, but I will try it).


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