I don’t know it yet …. scanning takes some time and I have to go to library to use their high-tech scanner. But at the moment I have no time due to work commitments. June-July are traditionally my busiest months workwise. But I will try to upload it as soon as time permits, but I can’t say when that is. Maybe when there’s a rainy weekend then I could spend some time in the library.
Well eventually yes. I may do it in the near future (the problem is that my Rothman for the early 1980s are falling apart and it is hard to scan them properly, but I will try it).
Any chance of posting lineups from the 1970-71 Rothmans? I own all volumes except this one, which is quite expensive on ebay (upwards of 50 pounds).
I will do that next in this series (but takes a little time).
Dear can you please scan some of Rothmans YB since 1984-85 season?
great Wolfgang, many thanks for these important documents
go on as long as you can,please
I think Aston Villa is forgotten, this club was promoted to First division season 74-75.
You are right
Are you going to put Aston Villa in the document??
Yes I will in a few days.
Aston Villa has been added!
When the seasons 70-71, 71-72 and 72-73 are coming???
New links to the season, I guess the work was hurry.
I mean season 70-71.
I could not scan 1970-71 because that book would be falling apart so I had to make photos with my phone.
I uploaded it as word document because as PDF it would lose picture quality.
I know about the problem with Rothmans yearbooks and some pages are loss.
Could you tell me which clubs are missing for 1970-71? I will then supply them (maybe next week).
this site is great but the format of 70/71
is dreadful
can’t read almost nothing
It’s a word document. You just have to increase the size.
I repeat my question.
When the seasons 71-72, 72-73, 73-74, 80-81 and 81-82 are coming.
Just curious only!!!
I don’t know it yet …. scanning takes some time and I have to go to library to use their high-tech scanner. But at the moment I have no time due to work commitments. June-July are traditionally my busiest months workwise. But I will try to upload it as soon as time permits, but I can’t say when that is. Maybe when there’s a rainy weekend then I could spend some time in the library.
1971-72, 1972-73 and 1973-74 have been added!
I will repeat these seasons above, When they are publish??,
From a curiuos Swedish man.
Sometimes I feel as if you had paid me for something and I take too much time giving you something in return.
I will be in the library for scanning this Saturday. Perhaps I will get to scan some of these seasons there but it is not safe yet.
Any more updates for more seasons?
Well eventually yes. I may do it in the near future (the problem is that my Rothman for the early 1980s are falling apart and it is hard to scan them properly, but I will try it).
Maybe It is more time to update when every league is postpone, to have something to do I suppose.
When—->season 1980-81 is coming up, want to see Southend United successful season in detail.